
People are usually risk-averse, love the status quo and think in conventional categories. However, not always. If we use psychology, we can correct these cognitive distortions. In my workshops, you will learn how to make innovation the norm through REFRAMING.

Reframe Workshop

This workshop teaches you how to use reframing to foster innovation. It’s a great interactive summary of my book.

  • Duration: 2 hours ­- 1 day

  • Where: on-site or online

  • How many: 10 to 50 participants

What is the Reframe Workshop?

You want to convey the contents of my book in your organization? You wish to wake people up, make them more creative, more courageous and more long-term thinking? Invite 10 to 50 people from your organization (or more online) to the workshop and I will show them the power of psychology and how we can bring more innovation to your organization.

The workshop may have a focus on one of the following topics:

  • Ask better questions for more creativity

  • How to increase courage and risk-taking in yourself and others.

  • Long-term thinking and perseverance

  • The ability to help others to rethink

What is the next step?

Schedule a phone call with me. We will discuss whether such a workshop makes sense, who should be part of it, and who needs to be convinced internally.

Innovation Mindset Mastery Program

This program is designed to transform the culture of your organization through mindset change of the participants. Participants will develop, what I call, an Innovation Mindset.

  • Duration: A series of 6 one-day workshops over the course of 9–12 months

  • Where: on-site or online

  • How many: 10 to 50 participants

What is Innovation Mindset Mastery? 

For corporate innovators (innovation managers, venture managers, design thinking coaches etc.), I designed a 1-year transformation program (workshops every 6 weeks, with challenges and assignments in-between) to become more creative, courageous, persuasive, and long-term thinking. Participants will develop, what I call, an Innovation Mindset.

How does it help me and my organization?

  • People with an Innovation Mindset think big and create impactful innovation

  • They think long-term, have perseverance but also know when to stop

  • They are less frustrated, more resilient and stay longer within your organization

  • They are powerful communicators and convince others of their projects

As a result of this mindset-shift, your organization becomes an innovation leader in your field, creates new business and generates more profits

A 6x6 Program

6 Workshops; one every 6­ weeks (approx. 9–12 months in total)

Workshop 1: Kick-off & Mindset

  • Difference between fixed, growth, and innovation mindset

  • Goals and expectations

Workshop 2: Biases & Reframing

  • Biases in innovation

  • Reframing as a tool in innovation

Workshop 3: Empathy & Creativity

  • Motivational interviewing

  • Enhanced creative thinking

Workshop 4: Courage & Perseverance

  • The science of cognitive reappraisal

  • Dealing with setbacks

Workshop 5: Long-term Thinking

  • Exponential thinking

  • Identifying inflection points

Workshop 6: Psychological Safety & Recap

  • Psychological safe cultures

  • Recap of the whole year

Course Objectives: Become a more effective innovation leader

  • Improve your cognitive reflection and openness

  • Foster your creativity and empathy

  • Learn to deal with uncertainty

  • Think more long-term

  • Develop courage and perseverance

  • Learn how to get others to rethink

What is the next step?

Schedule a phone call with me. We will discuss whether such a program makes sense, who should be part of it, and who needs to be convinced internally.

What customers say

  • „I learned many useful tools to improve my own performance. The course is very interactive and you work with your colleagues on weaknesses and develop new innovation skills. Highly recommended for any innovation team.”

    Dr. Richard Lützner, Head of Venture Building at Rehau

  • “Innovation Mindset is a small muscle that you can exercise every day. The program not only shows how important creativity, courage, perseverance, and self-reflection are for the long-term success of our company but also trains these skills with small exercises and bigger challenges. The program also helped to further foster the team spirit across different departments.”

    Lea im Obersteg, Head of Global Design Thinking at Georg Fischer Piping Systems